JASMYN’s Community Advisory Board provides a space for LGBTQIA+ people ages 18-29 to come together every 3rd Thursday to discuss a variety of topics affecting the LGBTQIA+ young people and contribute to change at JASMYN (see young adult calendar). Every CAB member is compensated $25 per meeting and will leave with good feels for giving back and meeting new friends!

Why join our cab!?

  • Share your voice

  • Learn some new leadership skills

  • Keep Jacksonville QUEER and JASMYN connecting the community in a way that works for YOU!

HOW TO our cab!?

  • Fill out this BRIEF CAB Interest form and a JASMYN team member will connect with you

  • OR email jasmyn@jasmyn.org and we will connect you to a staff member

  • Gay and Bisexual Men of color are strong encouraged to join